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Alloy Introduction


Topics covered

  • Modeling general software systems.
    • Introduction to the Alloy modeling language.
    • Alloy’s foundadions.
    • Signatures, fields, and multiplicity constrainst.
  • Modeling simple domains in Alloy.
    • Generating and analyzing model instances.
  • Relations and operations on them.
    • Formulas, Boolean operators and quantifiers.
    • Expressing constraints on relations using Alloy formulas.
  • Functions and predicates.


  • A simple family model for the Alloy Analyzer: family-1.als
  • A simple family model with facts for the Alloy Analyzer: family-2.als
  • A simple family model with facts and different run configurations for the Alloy Analyzer: family-3.als
  • A simple family model with facts, different run configurations and assertions for the Alloy Analyzer: family-4.als