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Numeric predicates


Using numerical predicates

How would we define a predicate in Prolog to determine the length of a list?

myLength([], 0).
myLength([_|Tail], Len) :- myLength(Tail, TailLen), Len = TailLen + 1.

The predicate myLength successively decomposes a list and, at each step, “increments” its length. So we would expect the query myLength([1], 1) to hold. However if we run the Prolog interpreter on it it will yield false:

?- length([1], 1).
?- myLength([1], 1).

Why is that? Since we know that all computation in Prolog is done via unification in order to build a refutation, let’s look closely at what is going on.

For the query ? - myLength([1], 1). to hold, its negation must resolve with the clausal form of the myLength rule:

myLength([_|Tail], Len) v ~myLength(Tail, TailLen) v ~(Len = TailLen + 1)

which has an unifier {Tail = [], Len = 1}. Thus we obtain the clause

~myLength([], TailLen) v ~(1 = TailLen + 1)

We can now resolve this clause with the fact myLength([], 0) via the unifier {TailLen = 0}. Thus we obtain the clause

~(1 = 0 + 1)

There are no other resolutions we apply. Since Prolog cannot unify 1 and 0 + 1 (this is like trying to unify a and f(a,b)), the refutation fails. How can we change this?

The is predicate

Prolog is capable of performing unification modulo arithmetic, i.e., it can apply arithmetic reasoning during unification and unify terms that are not syntactically equal if they can be evaluated to equal terms. This is how the length predicate is implemented and can say the query length([1],1). holds.

This predicate allows us to do explicity do unification modulo arithmetic.

?- X = 1, Y is X + 2.
X = 1,
Y = 3.

The is predicate works by evaluating the arithmetic expression into a number. Above when the interpreter reason on Y is X + 2 the variable X has been instantiated to 1, so X+2 became 1+2, which is evaluated to 3 and Y is instantiated to it.

When the arithmetic expression cannot be evaluated into a number the interpreter will rase an exception, for example

?- Y is X + 2, X = 1.

will lead to such an error. Another limitation of is is that it is not commutative. For example, 2 is 1+1 holds but 1+1 is 2 does not. Only the second argument is evaluated when doing the unification.

Fixing myLength

With the above in mind, we can rewrite the predicate myLength so that Prolog can apply unification modulo arithmetic:

myLength([], 0).
myLength([_|Tail], Len) :- myLength(Tail, TailLen), Len is TailLen + 1.

With this definition, when building the refutation as we were before we derive ~(1 is 0 + 1). With the is predicate, the predicate 0 + 1 is evaluated to 1 before unification is performed, so the actual unification problem is to unify 1 (left-hand side of is) and 1 (right-hard side of is after evaluation), which is trivially unifiable. Thus from ~(1 is 0 + 1) we derive ~(true), then false, thus fininshing the refutation.

Building evaluable arithmetic

In building arithmetic expressions to be evaluated, one can use the following binary predicates +, -, *, /, <, >, =<, >=, =:=, =\= and unary predicates: abs(Z), sqrt(Z), -.

So we can for example do the following queries

?- X is 1/2.
?- X is 1.0/2.0.
?- X is 2/1.
?- X is 2.0/1.0.
?- 2 < 3.
?- 1+1 = 2.
?- 1+1 =:= 2.

Note that the fact that is only evaluates its second argument is very important for writing Prolog rules. For example, if we write

myLength([], 0).
myLength([_|T], N) :- myLength(T, N1), N =:= N1 + 1.

we force both N and N1 + 1 in the last term of the rule to be evaluated. We could still use this definition in a query

?- myLength([1], 1).

but what about

?- myLength([1], N).


Unification modulo arithmetic allows us easily write Prolog programs for doing some mathematics.

Summing the elements of a list

sum([Head|Tail],X) :- sum(Tail,TailSum), X is Head + TailSum.


fact(0, 1).
fact(1, 1).
fact(N, F) :- N > 1, N1 is N - 1, fact(N1, F1), F is F1 * N.

Prolog also has predicates to check whether a term has a predefined meaning. For example, integer checks whether a term is an integer number, while number whether a term is an integer or real number. For example we could rewrite the above definition to automatically fail on computations requested on non-integers:

fact(0, 1).
fact(1, 1).
fact(N, F) :- integer(N), N > 1, N1 is N - 1, fact(N1, F1), F is F1 * N.

Greatest common divisor

gcd(X, Y, Z) :- X =:= Y, Z is X.
gcd(X, Y, Denom) :- X > Y, NewY is X - Y, gcd(Y, NewY, Denom).
gcd(X, Y, Denom) :- X < Y, gcd(Y, X, Denom).