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Parametric types in SML

datatype ilist = E | L of int * ilist;

val l = L(1, L(2, L(3, E)));

(* returns the first element of a non-empty ilist *)
fun first (L(h, _)) = h
  | first E = raise Match;

first l;
first E;

Returning the rest of a non-empty ilist

fun rest (L(_, t)) = t
  | rest E = raise Match;

rest l;

fun last E = raise Match
  | last (L(h, E)) = h
  | last (L(h, t)) = last t;

last l;

A parametric list

datatype 'a plist = E | L of 'a * 'a plist;

fun first (L(h, _)) = h
  | first E = raise Match;

fun rest (L(_, t)) = t
  | rest E = raise Match;

fun last E = raise Match
  | last (L(h, E)) = h
  | last (L(h, t)) = last t;

val l1 = L(1.0, L(2.0, E));
val l2 = L(1, L(2, E));

first l1;
first l2;

rest l1;
rest l2;

last l1;
last l2;

fun id x = x;
id l1;
id l2;

fun toTriple x y z = (x,y,z);
toTriple 1 2.0 (L(1,L(3,E)));
toTriple 1 2.0 (L(1,L(3,L(9,L(27,E)))));

Equality-testable types

type T0 = int * real;

type T1 = int * real;

fun foo (s1:T1) (s2:T0) = (#1 s1, #2 s2);

val x1:T0 = (1, 3.0);
val x2:T1 = (2, 4.0);

foo x1 x2;

val ll1 = L(x2,E);
val ll2 = L(x1, ll1);

first ll1;
first ll2;

Paremeter coercion

fun maxAux n E = n
  | maxAux n (L(h, t)) = if h > n then maxAux h t else maxAux n t;

fun max E = raise Match
  | max (L(h, t)) = maxAux h t;

fun inlinedMax E = raise Match
  | inlinedMax (L(h,t)) =
    let fun inlineMaxAux n E = n
          | inlineMaxAux n (L(h,t)) =
            if h > n then inlineMaxAux h t else inlineMaxAux n t;
        inlineMaxAux h t

max l1;
max l2;

inlinedMax l1;
inlinedMax l2;

fun max (a,b) = if a > b then a else b;

Overloading in SML

val a = 1 + 2;

val b = 1.0 + 2.0;