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Algebraic data types


Creating our own types

  • Defining a type day for days of the week
datatype day = M | Tu | W | Th | F | Sa | Su;

The keyword datatype is used to declare an algebraic data type (ADT), defined by a series of constructors, which establish how to elements of the type can be built.

The algebraic terminology is used because an ADT can be seen as a term algebra, with constructors as the operations to generate the terms for the algebra.

  • As we define functions over primitive types, we can define over new types:
fun isWeekend x = x = Sa orelse x = Su;
  • ADTs naturally model unions
datatype element = I of int | F of real;

fun getReal (F x) = x
  | getReal (I x) = real x;

Note that above the constructors of element are functions:

I : int -> element
F : real -> element

They take values of types int and real and construct values of type element.

Defining a Boolean algebra

The Boolean algebra as two values, True and False, and operations for conjunction (AND), disjunction (OR), and complement (NOT).

We can define a type whose elements correspond to those of a Boolean algebra.

datatype Proposition =
    | False
    | Not of Proposition
    | And of Proposition * Proposition
    | Or of Proposition * Proposition;

Note that Proposition’s definition is inductive, i.e., with True and False as the base elements all other elements are built via applications of the constructors Not, And, Or over elements of Proposition. For example:

val prop0 = True;
val prop1 = Not prop0;
val prop2 = Or (prop0, prop1);

And so on.

We can define an evaluation function that build a correspondence between elements of Proposition and SML’s Boolean values true and false:

fun eval True = true
  | eval False = false
  | eval (Not x) = not (eval x)
  | eval (And (x,y)) = (eval x) andalso (eval y)
  | eval (Or (x,y)) = (eval x) orelse (eval y);

eval prop2;

Defining a binary tree

An ADT that represents a binary tree with internal nodes labeled with integer values and non-labeled leaves:

datatype btree =
         | Node of (btree * int * btree);

val e = Leaf
val t3 = Node(e,3,e)
val t5 = Node (e, 5, e)
val t9 = Node (t3,9,t5)
val t4 = Node(t9,4,e)

Note that t4 corresponds to

      / \
    (9) ()
    / \
   /   \
 (3)   (5)
 / \   / \
() () () ()
  • A helper function to build elements of btree
fun newTree n = Node (Leaf, n, Leaf);

newTree 10
  • How to extract the value of the root node of some t : btree if t is a non-empty tree?
fun rootValue (Node (_, v, _)) =  v;

rootValue t3

rootValue e
  • How to extract the left subtree of some t : btree if t is a non-empty tree?
fun leftChild (Node (t, _, _)) = t

leftChild t3

leftChild t9
  • A function that returns true iff an integer n occurs in some t : btree?
fun occurs _ (Leaf) = false
  | occurs n (Node (t1, m, t2)) = (m = n) orelse (occurs n t1) orelse (occurs n t2)

occurs 10 t4
occurs 9 t4
  • A function that “inserts” an integer n in some t : btree so that all nodes to the left have a smaller or equal value?
fun insert n (Leaf) = newTree n
  | insert n (Node (t1, m, t2)) =
    if (n < m) then
        Node (insert n t1, m, t2)
        Node (t1, m, insert n t2)

Which gives us:

val s = Node (Leaf, 3, Node (Leaf, 6, Leaf))
 /   \
()   (6)
    /   \
   ()   ()
val s1 = insert 4 s
 /   \
()   (6)
    /   \
  (4)   ()
 /   \
()   ()
val s2 = insert 5 s1
 /   \
()   (6)
    /   \
  (4)   ()
 /   \
()   (5)
    /   \
   ()   ()
  • How to collect all labels in t : btree into a list?
fun traverse (Leaf) = []
  | traverse (Node (t1, m, t2)) =
    let val l1 = traverse t1;
        val l2 = traverse t2
        l1 @ [m] @ l2


Given an ADT

datatype btree = L of int | Node of btree * int * btree;
  • Write a function size : btree -> int that computes the number of internal nodes in a tree.

fun size (L(_)) = 0
  | size (Node(t1, _, t2)) = (size t1) + 1 + (size t2);

size (Node(Node(L(0),1,L(2)), 3, Node(L(4),5,Node(L(6),7,L(8)))));

  • Write a function mirror : btree -> btree which takes a tree t and returns the mirror image of t, that is, the tree obtained from t by swapping every left subtree with its corresponding right subtree. For example,
mirror (Node (Node (L 0, 1, L 1),
              Node (L 0, 4, Node (L 1, 7, L 2))) )


       Node (Node (Node (L 2, 7, L 1), 4, L 0),
             Node (L 1, 1, L 0),

fun mirror (L n) = L n
  | mirror (Node (t1, n, t2)) = Node (mirror t2, n, mirror t1);

mirror (Node (Node (L 0, 1, L 1),
              Node (L 0, 4, Node (L 1, 7, L 2))) );