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Unification and Resolution


  • LeanCop, a first-order logic theorem prover in Prolog that fits into a business card.


The concept of unification comes from first-order logic: given two terms s and t, to unify them means to find a substitution σ over their free variables such that sσ = tσ. A substitution unifying two terms is called a unifier for them.

Some examples of unification queries in Prolog terms:

?- a = b.
?- f(X, b) = f(a, Y).
?- f(X, b) = g(X, b).
?- a(X, X, b) = a(b, X, X).
?- a(X, X, b) = a(c, X, X).
?- a(X, f) = a(X, f).

For each one, if there is a substitution for the varibales of terms that makes them equal, we have that substitution as a result, otherwise we have false. For example, in the first query the terms a and b have no variables. Since they are not equal, it’s impossible to unify them and the result is false.

A unification algorithm

A unification algorithm to solve the unification problem can be relatively straightforward. Starting with a unification pair <s, t> and an empty substitution :

  1. if s is f(s1, ..., sn) and t is g(t1, ..., tn), no unification is possible
  2. if s is f(s1, ..., sn) and t is f(t1, ..., tn), unify <s1, t1>, …, <sn, tn>
  3. if s is a variable X, then add to the substitution {X = t}
  4. if t is a variable X, then add to the substitution {X = s}

Most general unifier

There may exist many unifiers for a given unification problem. An important concept is that of the most general unifier (mgu). Given two terms s and t, their most general unifier σ is a unifier such that if there exists another unifier θ for these terms then θ=σρ, for some substitution ρ. This is to say: θ is a specialization of σ

Consider the unification problem

?- parent(X, Y) = parent(kim, Y).

and assume it has these two solutions: {X = kim} and {X = kim, Y = holly} in the current context. The most general unifier is the first substitution, since every other unifier (like the second substitution here) necessarily will be also instantiating Y and is thus a specialization of the mgu, which only instantiates X.

Occurs check

The algorithm above has a serious issue: it can lead to bogus solutions. Consider the unification pair <X, f(X)>. With the above algorithm the solution would be {X = f(X)}, which does not solve the unification problem, since appling this substitution transforms X into f(X) but f(X) into f(f(X)).

To avoid this, unification algorithms implement another rule, the occurs check. It tests whether the variable to be made equal to a term occurs in this term. So in this example the occurs check would fail since X occurs in f(X).

In Prolog however this test is ommitted (not in all interpreters, though) for reasons of ecciciency: checking whether a variable occurs in a term has complexity linear in the size of the term. So for example:

?- f(X) = f(f(X)).

can yield the solution X = f(X). One can avoid this wrong behavior using the binary predicate unify_with_occurs_check, which performs the correct (but more expensive) unification algorithm. So for example:

?- unify_with_occurs_check(f(X), f(f(X))).

yields false.


The other central component of how a Prolog program runs is resolution. Resolution is an inference rule such that, given two clauses (i.e., disjunctions) containing complementary unifiable literals (i.e., an atom or its negation), produces a new clause by taking the literals of the two clauses, except for the complementary ones, and applying the unifier on them. For example

q(X) v ~p(X)           p(f(Y)) v r(Z)
-------------------------------------- RESOLUTION_σ
        q(f(Y)) v r(Z)

in which σ is {X = f(Y)}, which unifies ~p(X) and p(fY).

Prolog programs are composed of facts, rules and queries. We view them as clauses in the following way:

  • A fact is a clause in itself, with the respective fact being the only literal in the clause (known as a unit clause).

  • A rule has the shape G :- P, meaning that if P holds so does G. Since this has the shape of an implication P ⇒ G, it’s equivalent to write as ~P v G, which is a clause. Note that ~P v G can always be transformed into a clause with conjunctive normal form (CNF) transformation.

  • A query is an arbitrary formula that can be turned into a clause with CNF transformation.


When writing a query in Prolog we want to know if the facts and the rules of your program allow that query to hold, i.e., whether the facts F the rules R together entail the query Q. This can be written as a logical formula (F ∧ R) ⇒ Q, which is equivalent to (F ∧ R) v ~Q ⇒ false. Showing that a series of formulas together imply false is called a refutation proof.

Using resolution, facts, rules and queries, a Prolog computation works in the following manner:

  1. Negate the query.
  2. Using the negation of the query, the facts and the rules, apply resolution until the empty clause (equivalent to false) is derived.

Let’s consider again the example with the program and the query

?- parent(margaret,X), parent(X, holly).

The negation of this query is the clause not(parent(margaret,X)); not(parent(X, holly)). Considering the first literal not(parent(margaret,X)), there are two candidate resolutions:


not(parent(margaret,X)); not(parent(X,holly))        parent(margaret, kent).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION_{X = kent}


not(parent(margaret,X)); not(parent(X,holly))        parent(margaret, kim).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION_{X = kim}

The first resolution results in a clause on which we can apply no other resolutions. However we can do another resolution with the second one:


not(parent(kim,holly))        parent(kim, holly).
------------------------------------------------- RESOLUTION_{}

Since we derive false we have built a refutation for the negation of the query, which means that he query is valid.

Another example

Consider again the definition of append (for short, let’s use the @ symbol):

@([], L, L).
@([H|Ta], B, [H|Tc]) :- @(Ta, B, Tc).

How do we build a refutation for the query @(X, Y, [1, 2])?