- Readings
- Overview
- Binding function values
- Closures
- Generalizing the expression language
- Recursive functions
- Pre-recorded lecture
- Introduction to Programming Languages entry on closures.
- Closures and binding of functional values.
- Extending the basic expression language with let binders for funcions.
- Evaluating expressions with let binders for functions and function calls.
- Examples.
Binding function values
We declare functional values in SML for example with
fun f x = x + 1;
f 1;
We will now investigate in detail what is going on there.
val a = 5;
a + 5;
It binds a
to 5
and then retrieves the value 5
, from the interpreter state, when a + 5
is evaluated.
Now consider
fun f x = x + a;
f 1;
In the declaration we need to bind f
to a value in the environment that, when evaluated in f 1
, is so that the parameter of f
is instantiated with 1
and the symbol defined in its declaring scope, i.e., a
, is mapped to its value at that moment. So when evaluating f 1
we have as a result x + a{x-> 1, a -> 5} = 1 + 5 = 6
Changing the value of free symbol’s from f
’s body does not change its evaluation since the declaration environment is saved in f
’s value.
val a = 3;
f 1;
A closure will be defined as a tuple
(f, x, fBody, fDeclEnv)
in which
- f -> name of the function
- x -> argument of the function
- fBody -> definition of the function
- fDeclEnv -> definitions of the free variables in fBody in the scope in which f was declared.
In the above example the value of f is:
("f", "x", "x + a", [("a", 5)])
Generalizing the expression language
datatype expr =
IConst of int
| BConst of bool
| Prim2 of string * expr * expr
| Prim1 of string * expr
| Ite of expr * expr * expr
| Var of string
| Let of string * expr * expr
(* Declaring functions
(f, x, fBody, fDeclEnv)
| LetFun of string * string * expr * expr
(* For evaluating closure values *)
| Call of expr * expr;
We first defining the state, which will map variables, functional or not, to values.
type 'v env = (string * 'v) list;
Values will be integers or closures
datatype value =
Int of int
(* (f, x, fBody, (freeVars f) -> their values) *)
| Closure of string * string * expr * value env;
Values will be retrieved from lookups in the state.
exception FreeVar;
fun lookup [] id = raise FreeVar
| lookup ((k:string, v)::t) id = if k = id then v else lookup t id;
We define conversion functions between integer and Booleans to facilitate the evaluation function below.
fun intToBool 1 = true
| intToBool 0 = false
| intToBool _ = raise Match;
fun boolToInt true = 1
| boolToInt false = 0;
The evaluation function of an expression language with function declarations and invocations.
exception EvalError;
exception PrimError;
fun eval (e:expr) (st: (string * value) list) : int =
case e of
(IConst i) => i
| (BConst b) => boolToInt b
| (Var v) =>
let val vv = lookup st v in
case vv of
(Int i) => i
| _ => raise EvalError
| (Prim2(f, e1, e2)) =>
val v1 = (eval e1 st);
val v2 = (eval e2 st) in
case f of
("+") => v1 + v2
| ("-") => v1 - v2
| ("*") => v1 * v2
| ("/") => v1 div v2
| ("=") => if v1 = v2 then 1 else 0
| ("<") => if v1 < v2 then 1 else 0
| ("and") => boolToInt ((intToBool v1) andalso (intToBool v2))
| ("or") => boolToInt ((intToBool v1) orelse (intToBool v2))
| _ => raise PrimError
| (Prim1("not", e1)) => boolToInt (not (intToBool (eval e1 st)))
| (Ite(c, t, e)) => if (intToBool (eval c st)) then eval t st else eval e st
| (Let(x, e1, e2)) => eval e2 ((x, Int (eval e1 st))::st)
(* Declaring a function generates a closure with the current
state saved as the declaration environment *)
| (LetFun(f, x, e1, e2)) => eval e2 ((f, Closure(f, x, e1, st))::st)
(* We force the language to be first-order by allowying only
named functions to be called and only accepting non-functional
arguments *)
| (Call(Var f, e)) =>
let val fv = (lookup st f) in
case fv of
(Closure(f, x, e1, fSt)) =>
(* the function input is evaluated in the current state *)
val ev = Int(eval e st);
(* the function body is evaluated in the scope
saved in the closure. *)
val st' = (x, ev) :: (f, fv) :: fSt
eval e1 st'
| _ => raise EvalError
| _ => raise Match;
We extend here the machinery for checking if expressions are closed.
fun isIn x s =
case s of
[] => false
| (h::t) => if x = h then true else isIn x t;
fun union s1 s2 =
case s1 of
[] => s2
| (h::t) => if isIn h s2 then union t s2 else union t (h::s2);
fun diff s1 s2 =
case s1 of
[] => []
| (h::t) => if isIn h s2 then diff t s2 else h::(diff t s2);
fun freeVars e : string list =
case e of
IConst _ => []
| BConst _ => []
| (Var v) => [v]
| (Prim2(_, e1, e2)) => union (freeVars e1) (freeVars e2)
| (Prim1(_, e1)) => freeVars e1
| (Ite(c, t, e)) => union (union (freeVars c) (freeVars t)) (freeVars e)
| (Let(v, e1, e2)) =>
let val v1 = freeVars e1;
val v2 = freeVars e2
union v1 (diff v2 [v]) (* let binds x in e2 but not in e1 *)
| (LetFun(f, x, e1, e2)) =>
let val v1 = freeVars e1;
val v2 = freeVars e2
(* letFun binds f in e2 and x in e1 *)
union (diff v1 [x]) (diff v2 [f])
| (Call(Var f, e)) => freeVars e
| _ => raise Match;
fun closed e = (freeVars e = []);
Finally, we define a run
function that evaluates closed expressions.
exception NonClosed;
fun run e =
if closed e then
eval e []
raise NonClosed;
val e0 = LetFun("f", "x", Prim2("+", Var "x", Var "a"), Call(Var "f", IConst 1));
freeVars e0;
val e1 = Let("a", IConst 5, e0);
freeVars e1;
run e1;
val e2 = Let("a", IConst 5,
LetFun("f", "x", Prim2("+", Var "x", Var "a"),
Let("a", IConst 3,
Call(Var "f", IConst 1)
run e2;
Recursive functions
And what about recursive functions? That’s why when building the environment for evaluating a function call we include the function’s value, as the declaration environment for the function does not include its value.
(Call(Var f, e)) =>
let val fv = (lookup st f) in
case fv of
(Closure(f, x, e1, fSt)) =>
let val ev = Int(eval e st);
val st' = (x, ev) :: (f, fv) :: fSt
allows recursive calls
eval e1 st'
Example of SML expression and its correspondent in our language
- SML expression
fun fact x = if x = 0 then 1 else x*(fact (x-1));
- Equivalent
- SML expression
fun fact n = LetFun("fact", "x",
Ite(Prim2("=", Var "x", IConst 0),
IConst 1,
Var "x",
Call(Var "fact", Prim2("-", Var "x", IConst 1)))),
Call(Var "fact", IConst n)
fact 0;
run (fact 0);
fact 5;
run (fact 5);