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This page gives highlights of past lectures and provides lecture notes, reading assignments, and exercises.

Topic 00 - Course introduction and overview

24 Aug
Course introduction
Who am I,
Formal Methods overview
29 Aug
From tests and properties to specification
Board from old class,
Old recorded lecture
29 Aug
Set theory recap
Old recorded lecture

Topic 02 - Dynamic Systems

21 Sep
State Machines
Old recorded lecture
26, 28 Sep
Temporal operators in Alloy
01 Oct
Laboratory: Memory Management
03, 05 Oct
Family Model as a Transition System
10 Oct
Exam 1

Topic 04 - Specifying and verifying programs with Dafny

09, 14 Nov
Introduction to Dafny
Old recorded lecture
Old recorded lecture
Old recorded lecture
16 Nov
Arrays, invariants and frame conditions
Old recorded lecture
Old recorded lecture
21, 23 Nov
OO programming and verification in Dafny
Old recorded lecture
Old recorded lecture
28 Nov
Laboratory: OO in Dafny
30 Nov
Advanced Dafny features
05 Nov
Exam 2
07 Nov
Make-up exam