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Dafny Introduction


  • [Wing95], which provides several hints to specifiers.


  • Specifying and verifying programs in high-level programming languages.
  • Introduction to Dafny. Main features.
  • Method contracts in Dafny.
  • Specifying pre and post-conditions.
  • Compositional verification of methods through the use of contracts.

Example: Absolute value

method abs (x : int) returns (y : int)
    ensures 0 <= x ==> x == y
    ensures 0 > x ==> -x == y
    if x < 0
        return -x;
        return x;

method Main()
    var x := -3;
    var n := abs(x);
    assert n >= 0;
    print "Absolute value of ", x, ": ", n, "\n";